Magic Items preview!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 11:44:20 AM
Here's a preview of the Magic Items in Death Dealing including the Hand of Mechna, the Cloak of Rewinding, and The Curious Card of Elasmo B. Cadabra.
Speaking of, should I change the name of the Magic Spells section to Abra CARDabra?
Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback, asked questions, and caught typos!
Tomorrow, I'll be previewing the creatures in Death Dealing.
Thank you again for your amazing support!
-- Steve
Death Dealing Deck preview! All the cards!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 10:19:33 AM
Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the previous previews! Keep it coming!
And a reminder that all my my Patreon supporters are thanked by name in my books when they go to press. You can become a Patreon supporter here.
I've shared the Death Dealing Deck before and you've seen the online version at
The card previews below include updates and address some initial concerns. The cards take up a lot of pages of the book but it was important to me that everyone be able to play this subclass with just the PDF or book. It took a while to figure out how to fit all these cards in neatly and I'm pretty happy with the layouts. Each suit is a double-page spread.
Also included is the chart you can use to roll your card selections. The higher the number the better.
(You can see room for more FAQ answers at the bottom of that page so keep them coming! :) )
Tomorrow, we'll preview the Magic Items!
Thank you again!
-- Steve
Magic Spells preview!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 10:30:41 AM
Today's preview is a look at new magic spells included in Death Dealing.
Now, your Death Dealing Rogue is not inherently a spellcaster but they can get access to the Summon Cardling spell through their Deck's perks. And multi-classing might unlock others.
New spells are among the most contentious additions to any 5E campaign so I'm preparing myself for your withering criticism! I appreciate any feedback and will work to help make these acceptable to your DM. :)
Tomorrow's preview will be a bigger look at each of the Death Dealing cards.
Thanks again!
-- Steve
Subclass and Deck leveling preview! And ENNIE Awards!
over 1 year ago
– Sun, Jul 09, 2023 at 10:40:08 AM
The Death Dealing book is nearly complete and this week I'll be sharing previews of each section. Today, we're starting with the latest version of the Subclass Features and - for the first time - a look at the leveling-up and perks for the Death Dealing Deck of cards.
I'd love your feedback. You can post your comments here or over on my Discord server here:
I absolutely welcome your questions and will be including a FAQ in the book.
Tomorrow, I'll be previewing the new magic spells including Debamfify, Shuffle, Summon Cardling, and others. Tuesday, I'll be previewing the latest versions of each card. Wednesday will be new monster day!
In other news, my first 5E project Intoximancy (which i know many of you supported here on Kickstarter) was just nominated for an ENNIE Award for "Best Supplement" I'm absolutely stunned!
Thank you again! I'm just one guy making this stuff and I couldn't do it without your support and encouragement! <3
-- Steve
Death Dealing Deck preview!
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 11:10:26 AM
Greetings rogues!
Just for backers, here's a not-final preview PDF of all the cards in the Death Dealing Deck...
While the damage and effects from the number cards are simple and standardized across all suits, it's the face cards, aces, and joker/fool which get interesting (and, yes, the three levels of exhaustion caused by the King of Spades is awful, but that's the luck of the draw!)
I'd love to know what you think!
And if you see a typo, please do let me know! :)
Squeezing all these into the book has been challenging but I think I've cracked it! :)
Thank you again for your amazing support and I can't wait until you can start rolling up your own Death Dealing rogue!
-- Steve